How to donate

Donating scholarships

• Scholarship providers must donate EUR 2,000 for a one-year scholarship, with EUR 150 of that sum being withdrawn for administrative costs;

• Scholarship providers can also donate money into a trust fund, with interest earnings used to provide a scholarship for a candidate each year.

• Funding for the "Vītolu fonds" can be left in people’s wills to create a memorial scholarship.  In that case Foundation "Vītolu fonds" would request precise instructions to be included in the will in terms of what is to be done with the donation.

• People can also donate other sums of money for the “Friend Scholarship”.

Transferring money to the Foundation "Vītolu fonds" in Latvia

Account details JSC "SEB banka"

Foundation “Vītolu fonds”
Reg. Nr. 40008066477
Lāčplēša street 75B, Riga, LV-1011, Latvia

Multi-currency account
Beneficiary’s Bank
JSC “SEB banka”
Meistaru street 1, Valdlauči, Ķekava district,
LV-1076, Latvia


Account details JSC "Citadele banka"

Foundation “Vītolu fonds”
Reg. Nr. 40008066477
Lāčplēša street 75B, Riga, LV-1011, Latvia

Multi-currency account
Beneficiary’s Bank
JSC “Citadele banka”
Republikas laukums 2A, Riga, LV-1010, Latvia
SWIFT (BIC) code: PARX LV 22


How to find us?
Rīga, Lāčplēša ielā 75B, Pieņemšanas laiks: 8.00-16.00

Contact us